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Restoration of a castle chapel Strössendorf - Conservation of wall paintings

Nahaufnahme des hölzernen Dachtragwerk der Schloßkapelle

Repair of the roof structure

The gGmbH was founded in July 2021. The first months were characterized by questions during the startup phase and coordination with cooperative and professional partners.

With the help of a specific donation, in 2022, the conservation and restoration of a chapel in a castle, which is completely equipped with wall paintings, was initiated. In cooperation with the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation (German: Bayerisches Landesamt für Denkmalpflege, BLfD), the Coburg University of Applied Sciences (German: Hochschule Coburg), renowned conservators and students, a series of preliminary investigations were carried out to develop a concept. In the field of equipment, a graduate of the Conservation and Restoration program, specializing in wood, undertook a thorough investigation of the wooden antependium.

[In der Blog-Übersicht wird hier ein Weiterlesen-Link angezeigt]

The work is accompanied by the application testing of  MonArch 3.0 ( for the spatial documentation, provision and archiving of digital building data and the topic complex BIM - Building Information Modeling ( 

Best practice examples in data exchange are identified through model-based processing, which includes examining the working methods of BIM modeling and IFC data management, as well as the use of BIM collaboration platforms in the monument sector. 

Screenshot aus dem BIM-Programm mit der Querschnitt der Schloßkapelle und Nahaufnahme des hölzernen Dachtragwerk

Application testing by MonArch 3.0; Documentation, provision and archiving in BIM

As part of the roof structure restoration, plaster reinforcements were carried out by the restoration team from Atelier für Restaurierung GbR in Cologne, under the supervision of Dipl. Rest. Susanne Brinkmann M.A. and Dipl. Rest. Christina Verbeek. 

In the context of pilot axes for conservation and restoration of the wall paintings in the interior, measures were taken to reduce biogenic colonization. 

Details from the representation of the Prudentia in the previous state 2022 and with a sample field for the treatment of biogenic colonization in 2023. The reduction of the colonization leads to a significant visual calming of the wall painting surfaces and to an improved readability of the representations.

The stained mold infestation was treated with an isopropanol-water mixture (70% isopropanol). The application was done with the brush. Subsequently, the microbial coating could be removed with the help of micropore sponges.

 Reduction of biological colonization

The team also developed suitable putty compounds based on hydrated lime and quartz sands for crack sealing. Furthermore, experiments were conducted to reduce salt load in the base area using compresses made of quartz sand, bentonite, and expanded glass.

Drei Nahaufnahmen der Wandmalereioberflächen mit den Rissen in der Schloßkapelle.

 As part of preliminary tests for the preservation of the wall paintings, which are endangered by cracking and plaster detachment, suitable putty compounds for crack closure and for filling plaster defects were developed on the basis of hydrated white lime and quartz sands.

In the further course, climate investigations and conservation work will be deepened, work steps and their results will be discussed collaboratively. We will continue to report on the progress of the project. The comprehensive findings will be publisched by UHAMC_ISKD.