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Castle chapel Strössendorf: Handover of the DSD sponsorship contract

Photo credit: Uwe Franke, Head of the Upper Franconia Local Board of Trustees of the German Foundation for Monument Protection (German: Leitung Ortskuratorium Oberfranken der Deutschen Stiftung Denkmalschutz)

A financial support of 25,000 euros was symbolically handed over to the Urban Heritage and Monumental Conservation gGmbH on October 25, 2023.

[In der Blog-Übersicht wird hier ein Weiterlesen-Link angezeigt]

The donation from German Foundation for Monument Protection  (DSD - Deutsche Stiftung Denkmalschutz) will be used for the continuation of restoration and conservation measures on the wall painting of the Catholic Chapel of the Holy Trinity in Strössendorf.

The UHAMC_ISKD is dedicated to the restoration and conservation work on the valuable wall paintings in the castle chapel since 2021.