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Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Breitling

​Advisory Board

Professor of Building Research and Building History, Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg

Studied classical archeology in Freiburg and architecture at the Technical University of Berlin.

Since 2003: Scientific Assistant at the Department of Building and Urban Development History at the Technical University of Berlin.

2001: Doctorate on the subject “Noble residences in Brandenburg 1400-1600".

Since 1997: Independent building researcher and appraiser.

Since 2006: Professor for Building Research and Building History at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg.

Numerous projects to record and analyze historical monuments, member of the ICOMOS monitoring group.

Scientific member of the Executive Committee of the German Castle Association.

Since 2014: Member of the Evaluation Commission of the DAI and member of the expert commission set up by the kmk to draw up the German tentative list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Since 2021: Spokesman for the Competence Center “Monument Science and Monument Technologies” at the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg.

Publications on Gothic building technology and early modern castles and palaces as well as on the methodology ofbuilding research and digital and semantic modeling in practical monument preservation.