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Expert panel on the contents of a listed buildings permit and its qualities

The Free Institute opens the new academic year with the expert meeting on the topic of „Preparing a  listed building permit  - help to quality assurance in the approval procedure“. The meeting will take place on 17.10.2023 in Nuremberg.

[In der Blog-Übersicht wird hier ein Weiterlesen-Link angezeigt]

From our own experience and many discussions with colleagues, we are aware that the level of knowledge about the approval procedure varies. The Institute would like to contribute to defining quality standards by developing recommendations. In order to exchange experiences on this topic among experts, the upcoming fireside chat will provide an informal setting. As a result of the discussion, a short report will be published on the Institute's website.

The discussion will serve as a prologue to the online lecture on the topic of „Permission under monument law despite freedom from planning permission - legal basis, content, documents“ (German: „Denkmalrechtliche Erlaubnis trotz Baugenehmigungsfreiheit - rechtliche Grundlagen, Inhalt, Unterlagen“), which will take place on 09.11.2023. 

Further information will be announced shortly on the UHAMC_ISKD website.